Why Give?

FGSF scholarships target first generation students because:

  • Approximately 40% of University of California students and 33% percent of Cal State University students are first generation students.

  • First generation students in all probability will experience economic hardship during their college careers.

  • First generation students are likely to work while in college, which lengthens time to graduation, requiring additional loans and resulting in financial debt.

  • First generation students lack the advantage of having family members who can advise and support based on their personal college experiences.

FGSF scholarships target community college transfer students because:

  • Community College transfer students have demonstrated their commitment to a college education.

  • Community College transfer students have demonstrated that they can make successful academic progress at the college level.

  • Community College transfer students selected for an FGSF scholarship must have completed the first two years of transferable coursework in their major, demonstrating interest and competence in a specific area and thought to career and education planning.

FGSF scholarships help reduce student debt:
  • The need to pay off student loan debts delays full entry into the economy.

  • The average college degree offers a 14% return on investment, but nearly 25% of college graduate renters indicate they will never be able to afford to be a homeowner.

  • 22% of individuals with student loan debt believe their debt has negatively influenced their ability become a small business owner.

The current U.S. student debt crisis:
  • In the last decade, student loan debt has increased by an average of $68.6 billion every year.

  • Adjusted for inflation, the national federal student loan debt has grown exponentially.

  • Student debt is the second largest type of household debt after mortgages.

FGSF scholarships help to reduce the time to graduation by eliminating the need to work while in college:
  • Earlier graduation leads to earlier financial stability and earlier contribution to the overall economy.

  • The chance of completing college is increased.

  • Less time in college per student also allows a greater number of new student admissions.

Ways to Give

Sponsor a student: Your contribution will help a transfer student graduate from college without student debt.

Provide an internship: FGSF students will spend one summer in a paid internship in a setting that is relevant to their career path.

Mentor a student: FGSF students are paired with qualified mentors who will help them navigate through college and career choices.

General donations: Unrestricted donations of any size will be gratefully accepted.

Action Plan

Inaugurate a pilot project to fund x - 5 local community college students transferring to Cal State LA University starting in Fall of 2024.

Inaugural students will major in a science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) fields, where the expertise of the current board lies.

Accept donations of all sizes to provide funding for students, with the goal of building a self-sustaining endowment.

Open application process for Scholarships providing:

  • Funding for tuition, books, room and living expenses up to $40K per year.

  • A paid summer internship.

  • A navigator to help with course selection, career advice, and budgeting of expenses during their university career.

  • Select students and keep the commitments of the scholarship

Benefits to

the Donor

High assurance of a return on investment because eligible students have already proven their drive by:

  • Graduating from community college with a 3.0 or higher

  • Applying to/being accepted at a 4-year college or university

  • Managing community college independent of college-experienced of family members

A bolstered economy with more people spending rather than paying off student loans.

Better use of their taxpayer dollars by allowing students to finish sooner and free up space for incoming students.

Sense of having contributed to a worthy cause

More Questions Answered

  1. Is the FGSF scholarship directed towards STEM students only or will students in any major be eligible?

    • The first cohort of (5) students will major in STEM fields during this pilot phase.

    • After successful completion of the pilot phase, depending on the availability of funds, the FGSF scholarship may (or will) be offered to students majoring in non-STEM fields.

  2. What are criteria for a competitive student application?

    Students must:

    • Be first in their families to earn a BS/BA degree.

    • Be transferring from a community college and accepted to a 4-year university

    • Have fulfilled the requirements of the first two years towards their major with a 3.0 or higher.

  3. May students from any community college apply and is the scholarship available for any 4-year university?

    • FGSF envisions the answer to be YES in the long term.

    • In the short term, to establish the program, the board will work on the ground most familiar to them, accepting applications only from students from Pasadena City College, East Los Angeles College, and Los Angeles City College who are transferring to California State University, Los Angeles.

  4. Who will select the awardees?

    • Board of Directors of FGSF.

  5. What % of funds will go directly to the students as opposed to administrative costs?

    • At a minimum, 64% of the funds will go directly to students.

  6. Who will manage the account?

    • The account will be managed by the FGSF Board of Directors.